Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first book in J.K. Rowling’s internationally beloved series that introduced readers to the magical world of Harry Potter. The story begins with a young orphan named Harry who discovers on his 11th birthday that he is no ordinary boy, but a wizard. He is whisked away to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he learns about magic, makes new friends like Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and uncovers secrets about his past.
At Hogwarts, Harry is sorted into Gryffindor house and embarks on a journey that will change his life forever. He discovers that he is famous for surviving an attack by the dark wizard Lord Voldemort, and that Voldemort’s evil powers are still a threat to him and the wizarding world. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione stumble upon the mystery of the Philosopher’s Stone, a legendary magical object with the power to grant immortality, they must face dangerous obstacles and confront a dark force that’s closer than they think.
This book is filled with adventure, heart, and magic that introduces readers to the spellbinding world of wizards, magical creatures, and timeless lessons of friendship and bravery. It’s the perfect starting point for anyone new to the Harry Potter universe.
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